Get your GP to test you for anti-phospholipid antibodies. It involves a blood test and will show if your blood is too sticky. The symptoms you describe are very similar to the ones I had about three years ago, and which were initially thought to be MS. The symptoms of sticky blood, or Hughes Syndrome, often mimic the early stages of MS, and it is often mis-diagnosed as such. If the test shows you have sticky blood, the treatment is really simple - you take a 75mg enteric coated aspirin every day to thin the blood (but you shouldn't do this until you have actually been diagnosed). Apparantly, many people remain misdiagnosed with this syndrome as the symptoms mimic loads of other conditions - suggest you look on web at Hughes syndrome websites for more info. Oh, and if it is Hughes Syndrome, the symptoms disappear really quickly (in days, in my case) once you start taking the aspirin! Good luck!