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boyfriend and holiday

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carlyo2le | 18:02 Wed 31st Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
54 Answers
would you let your boyfriend go to aya napa (bad spelling) we live together and have done so for 2 years now hes wanting to go with all his mates theres about 15 of them some single some not and some who arnt that both about there girlfriends, what do you think? i trust him and i know 99% hel never cheat on me but the thought of all the girls in bikinis around! its gonna drive me crazy if he goes i think!


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I would let mine go.....
Why does he want to go if he's made a commitment to you? Sod this "Do your own thing" philosophy, you should both go away together or not at all.
By the way, I'm old fashioned!
Hello ummmmmm
Well if you're sure he won't cheat then really your thoughts are your own problems to govern aren't they?

I'm not saying that this is easy... just logical I'm afraid.

Why don't you plan on doing something with the girls while he's away... keep your mind off it.
no he should go ,BUT then you go on hoilday with your friends . with out him .
If you trust him, why will it drive you crazy. You live together so there shouldn't be a question of trust. Tell him you're happy for him to go.
Hello Theland....How are you?

Do you still want me to send you that info?

(sorry carly)
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thats what i said iv tryed comprimising and said he can go 4 a weekend or me and him will go on our holiday there and meet up with them a couple of nights and ill stay in hotel so he can go out but that wasnt good enough
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i cant go with my mates theyve got small kids
I meant do your own thing.

Not go with him and sit in a hotel.

It doesn't sound like you trust him from this end.
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also he says he wouldnt be bothed if i went away BUT i know for a fact hed hate it more than i do the thought of him going, iv told him NO for 4 week but i feel bad i shouldnt tell him what to do should i!
I don't understand why you don't want him to go?
If you trust him I'd say let him go... and let him know you're happy about it...
Just stay in this country and keep yourself and your mind occupied.

He goes with his mates and spends a few days getting drunk in the sun.
how long does he want to go 4 ?
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because ill be in england bord thinking about him and hel be having a laugh drinking all week and also he hates me being in the house without him but 4 this he doesnt care less, ill be thinking right hel be waking up now, hel be going to pool now, therel be girls round now etc even though i trust him theres still thoughts there because hes in different country with no rules!
Doesn't sound like you do trust him by your last answer!
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a week
let him go then tell him he has to look after your mates kids for a few days so you can go away .
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i do i really do he goes out every weekend and im not bothed

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