why is it that E numbers dont have the same effect on adults as they do on our kids.? When my 3 year old has even the smallest amount of cola or a single smartie he bounces off the walls, and runs round like a child possessed. I would love them to have the same effect on me so how come it doesnt happen?????
Maybe bacause our systems are too clogged up with alcohol....
Joking....my son is the same....one blue smartie was an hour of hell. Just one single smartie. His Dad use to give him them before he sent him home after the weekend!!! How cruel is that???
Mmmm i love wine gums!!!! will i bounce off the walls if i have a pack of them though katie????? I want some excess energy so im prepared to try anything!!!!
Try a cocktail of wine gums, quavers, chewits, fanta, and some nasty cheep and cheerful penny chews! That should do it!lol Unfortunately Smarties are now not quite what they used to be :-( The old ones with all the colours in were wonderful!x
I think it's because adults probably need a lot more of the chemicals in them...it's probably, like alcohol, dependent on things like body mass, experience, gender etc.