I need to look into recycling services for my building, we just have a room in the carpark full of big metal dumpsters for our rubbish then they do a general collection but there's not provision for recycling bins.
Don't drive so the only other way I could do it is by taking it on the bus or taxi t some recycling bins.
Might ask the caretaker if he can organise something :)
green one at front of house for rubbish, brown one out the back for plants n stuff, blue box in garage for glass bottles and cans, red box in garage for plastics n stuff, and blue bag for newspapers
Black wheelie bin, which lives next to my front door. Newspapers etc have to go into orange bags which have to sit next to the bins on collection day. Garden waste goes into white bags which are collected fortnightly in summer. Glass I put in the bottle bank when I walk to the train station at weekends.
green for garden rubbish......black for rubbish......green bag for paper and cardboard ect.........blue box for glass ect and our council tax bill is still outragous
I have three bob. All geen. Sometimes they are to the left of the house, sometimes to the right and sometimes at the bottom of the drive. They are so versatile, don't you think ?