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Released from a Meglomaniac

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Drisgirl | 15:46 Thu 01st Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
41 Answers
To be honest I escaped myself - lol How do people -and this is a serious issue -deal with someone who is a potental control freak who wants to rule cyber space at any cost -who would sell their own Granny to persuade people THEY are telling the truth - at the cost of other peoples integrity. Just to further widen the discussion -how do you deal with someone who is controlling and you feel like banging your head off a brick wall but you stay simply because you know they need help. I have been in personal situations and its not easy -I found I used to almost deal with them like children -ergo persuade them to tell the truth because its gonna be far worse when I find out. NB -this WILL be posted on other forums -just a wee warning. However it is a very genuine question.Its nothing to do with me if its lifted (thumbs up)


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huh? who? what?

your post seems so cryptic i have no idea what you are on about!
I'm glad I wasn't the only person thinking that!
Sorry, what's the question?
from what i can make out, really taking it back to basics, is that you know someone who is lying online but you want to know how we would deal with someone who lied in such a way.

Are they a friend or just a person you only have dealings with online?
Question Author
Someone I had dealings with online - in another forum.

Sorry I tend to be cryptic cos I understand what Im saying but others obviously wouldnt.,Sorry.
if its not a friend then Id leave them to sort themselves out. If they continue to lie then you'd probably be accused as well once people found out.
If it was a friend then itd be worth asking them to come clean.
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I was cryptic as I didnt want to really give out any obvious clues to whom I was referring .

On reflection it does seem a bit like sour grapes -but I can assure you it doesnt to me - but now I have started I shall finish.

Its not all to do with Site Mangers who are green and say ribet -well used to -its a wider issue -how do you deal with people who ultimately are in control of what you say in an open forum and watch you like hawks.

Its not conducive to friendly banter is it?
Question Author
Thanks red -appreciated.

Its just that ohters may find themselves in similar situations and its hard when you feel like a cornered rat and they obviously hold all the cards and all you want to do is out the truth.
its a difficult one, perhaps the best course of action is just to privately warn others, some websites have PM facilities, if you see it getting out of hand and feel the need to step in and help?
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Ive tried but I have had to bow out -its sad.I feel as though Im letting people down as I know of the lies and deciet but you cant compete with the boss- lol

O Im sure it goes on everywhere -I just dont understand why people cant just stand by what they have said. -its dreadful to be called a liar when you have evidence in front of you.

I dont have an axe to grind -I am being genuine as I have left the site concerned.I think Site Managers owe it to their members to be discreet and not inflame situations by lying -I appreciate its not an easy 'job' but it must be lucrative or else why do it?

I on a personal and completely different tack could never face anyone and say I hadnt said something when I had.
That was the crux of my question -does anyone have the courage of their convictions ?
lol it gets even more cryptic! "site managers who are green and go ribet"
My simple advice is to just not care, its an intrnet forum. Find another one if you dont like that one
if youre going to bow out then the least you can do is go undercover and smoke them out! show the liars for what they really are :)
Name and shame,go on.
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Used to be Frogg.....oops i have something in my throat - lol -now XO -that being the literal pronunciation !!!
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Awaiting whambam -bit daresay it'll ne a different guise -lol.

I have left -I had no option really -although I wasnt pushed I have to say.
Ha-ha,i`m with you,i think.LOL
i thought i was following but think i took a wrong turn as Im totally lost again now lol
-- answer removed --
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red -site has been re-named used to be its a new site so I think thats maybe where you got lost - lol

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