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Champagne | 12:43 Thu 12th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
What smells do you like that you know you shouldn't? For me it's;

- marker pens
- creosote
- petrol at garage forecourts
- my socks after i've been wearing my trainers for a day!

What about you?


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But it tastes awful.
Freshly laid tarmac - Mmmm!
my own farts
Petrol for me too
My niece's feet. She's the only toddler I know with cheesy ones... and it makes her laugh. :o)
A slighty damp dog!
Hi Champagne,

I also adore the small of petrol and while filling my car up I take my time, taking deep breaths, one day I think i may fall over!

Nail Varnish
My cats feet - they smell llike biscuits !
Evo stick / UHU glue
Matches - the smell after they have been struck
Smell of cap guns - toys we had when we were children
The exquisite aroma of three stars next to my response?
I like my own farts after I've had a curry the night before, spice and aromatic!
" the smell of success "
Petrol everytime! Although I wouldn't recommend putting some on a rag and sniffing it for a prolonged period lol
Roughquest, what a blast from the past that was, when you mentioned cap-guns. Those reddish rolled up coils of bumpy paper........and not all of the bumps worked! What a load of childhood memories that unleashed......Bet they don't make cap-guns anymore!
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Mmmm.... matches.... that's another one I like too.

Too right stewey, the smell was fantastic ! Great toys though too weren't they ?? Oh the good old days - HA HA HA :-)
petrol here too

and canles when you blow them out !! xx
god i love the smell of
nail varnish remover
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Leather and rubber eh? Oo-er missus!
marker pens
burnt toast
-men's cologne, I think some of them smell much better than perfumes
-used to like cigarette smoke (when my dad was a chain smoker), not anymore though

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