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lets talk about sex

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4getmenot | 09:51 Fri 13th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
156 Answers
so when in bath lastnight shaving my legs I thought 'my god the things us woman have to go through' and then I thought of all the obvious others, babies, periods etc. So todays debate is between the boys and girls or ladies and gentlemen and I ask 'who has got it tougher?' Would like to know what problems boys have that girls dont.


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We have it the toughest, not only do we get our own problems, we have to suffer most of yours too...pmt ring any bells?
Definately the women!! Have any of you men ever worn a pair of heels on a night out?! On second thoughts.........not sure I want to know the answer to that one!
the shoe thing is a problem as my so called friends usually stand all over my feet at the end of a night out adding to the agony
Plus, I am having trouble finding space for my shoes now.

I'm thinking of asking a man to build an extension since as a woman I would obviously be incapable of any kind of DIY.

to return to the question, B B Q ' s, men who have never cooked a meal in their life feel they are the only ones in the family who can operate the bbq, why is that ?
Do you want a quote?
Trust me, Elvis, a man doesn't get grief from a woman unless he deserves it.

But then that just exemplifies my earlier comment about men and their emotional constipation. Women can express everything, whereas men conceal all emotions by discussing football instead.

I've just thought of another point. And this one does relate to actual penetrative sex.

Men can sleep around casually and they're considered a bit of a stud. But if a woman does it she's a s!ut. There's a perfect example of how easy men have it!
hahaha I suppose its an excuse to buy MORE shoes...
that exact point was argued earlier yesterday and today champers uestion393256.html
That`s what they all say Champs, but it`s true, you turn into monsters every month

As for the stud/**** remark...erm....No comment!
Different thread, John. Plus I don't frequent this site evenings and weekends. ;o)

And you're letting the side down, Teagirl. There was me arguing that girls are more capable at DIY!
Girls are more capable at everything!!! LOL
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What? like reversing into a parking space? getting spiders out of baths, unscrewing jars? going downstairs when you imagine you hear a noise and it turns out to be fornicating cats?
I can throw too, Paul. I guarantee I could get you right in the gonads and then innocently make out that it was a bad girlie throw.

You've got me on the spiders though, John. I probably wouldn't was for a week if I had a big spider living in my bathroom.

I honestly don't think that anything that I as a man can go through can be anything as painful as childbirth (although I did get a nasty paper cut off a document last week which meant I had to spend the next three days off work.

However, whilst I will never have the pain of childbirth, on the other hand, I will never experience the ultimate closeness which a woman has with a person who has lived inside her!
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I've thrown up after being whacked in the gonads. It's bloody awful.

Girls get to wear whatever they like to work, but if I turn up in anything less than a starch pressed shirt, I'm called in for a 'chat'.
Ooooh I dunno sp, I got a splinter from building a wardrobe yesterday and it's STILL hurting!!

That's a good point Supernick. I've come into the office dressed as Wonderwoman today and my boss hasn't said a word. I wonder why?

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