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Red Bull

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Gill 05 | 02:09 Sat 14th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
Can you overdose on Red Bull? How much is too much?


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Why dont u go Sainsburys and buy some for 26p. A lot cheaper. I don't think drinking too much of these stimulant drinks is a gd idea.
Check out the side of the can.
RDA (recommended daily allowance) per 100ml
most of the quotes are around 100% and there are 250ml in each can.
each can contails 2.5 times the RDA of certain chemicals. and thats just ONE can.
I had ONE Red Bull just once. It made me sweat, my heart race, and I had to go to the toilet quite urgently.
Depends on how much vodka you put in it
I would say you've certainly had enough at the point you are sure you have wings !!!!!!

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