I think most people assume that any fear or dislike is a phobia!! When I was a pest controller, nearly everybody that phoned me up with a wasp problem claimed that they had a wasp phobia, when I arrived at the site, they were clearly just afraid of wasps!!
Being afraid of something or not liking something is not a phobia!!
I have a slight phobia of heights, whilst I know I cant fall of the top of a multi storey car park, if i was to go near to the edge, my heart would race, I would sweat profusely and would feel faint! even though there is a huge wall 2ft thick, I think that the wall could actually break away and allow me to fall!! how mad is that!!
Some people even have phobias over numbers!! how irrational is that!!
A phobia is a totally "irrational" fear!!
Sorry to go on lol, I'm not saying that you people don't have phobias, I'm saying many people don't really know what a phobia actually is.
end of lecture!!!
Pedantic I know!!