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AB list of wierd and wonderful body quirks!!

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PinkFizz | 13:14 Mon 30th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
143 Answers
Well we all have something, don't we?? Mine is the fact that I don't have toe nails on both of the little toes on my feet! Well, they are so small they aren't much bigger than a grain of rice, so when I paint my toe nails I have to paint the nail varnish onto the toe itself so I look as though I have nails!! Now that is wierd!! Come on then, what about you lot??


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I can bend my left foot back more than 180 degrees. Can't do it with the right foot though. I also have no toenails on my little toes.

This thread is great fun, we sound like a kind of rubbish X-Men.
i can bend my thumb right back to my wrist and can pop my belly button in and out :o*
My eyes can glaze over when reading long AB threads : ))
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God this is still going?? lol
I have a thing about agressive and competetive Squaddies!
They really p*ss me off!
I've just cried laughing at "kind of rubbish X men" AND startled my husband and children because I sort of snorted when I first read it. Thankyou for that - I'm laughing again just typing it :D
I have no nobbly bits on my knuckles, so instead of there being bumps at the base of my fingers, it looks like there are hollows.
I fell down the stairs in my early twenties, and ever since my little finger on my left hand sticks out unless I consciously pull it back in.
I actually have two toenails on both of my little toes.
Seriously? Side by side, or what?!!
cockroach! me too, I can make my eyes vibrate! Sometimes I use my power to see what revolving car wheels look like when they are stationary.
I havn't thought of another use for my power yet.
it's like one split down the middle and when the 2nd one grows a bit it is soooo painful, that I try to dig them out!
netibiza - Oooowww! You need to sue your parents for that one
Unfortunately I was a war baby so no idea who my father was, but I guess the government will give me compensation after I've stopped swinging from trees!!!
Joe, I was only born with one liver too... same as the rest of the population.... does that make us all special?
I can touch the end of my nose with my tongue. I can also turn my elbows so they face inwards.
I used to dance professionally, a long, long, time go, and I have now put a bit of wight on, but I have just found out I can do the box splits still!
sorry, I meant weight!
You shouldn't be advertising the fact you have webbed feet. It's a characteristic of in-breeding.

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