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thyriodlady | 11:19 Tue 29th May 2007 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
Hi since been told that i have thyroid troubles i find it hard to know what i am doing when driving the car


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dont drive the car then.
Poor concentration is one symptom of underactive thyroid.

Are you being treated for it, or have you been told you are borderline? once bloodtests are done and the correct thyroxine dosage is taken your concentration level should return to normal.
I have been on thyroxin for 15 years due to the same condition but it has never affected my concentration whilst driving or any other time, maybe it affects people in different ways, i am clumsy, but I take my meds regularly and so i can't blame that.
I should mention the problems you are experiencing when driving to your GP a.s.a.p., as it may not be anything to do with your thyroid.

Our daughter has an under active thyroid & has been on Thyroxine for a couple of years now, but like dot, this hasn't affected her driving at all.

Good luck....

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