Can toddlers get rashes when teething. I have had the rash checked and the doctor said its an allergy to something but my child only seems to get is when he is teething (back teeth - the worst ones)
Posibly, normally the rash is from the dribbling! could be an allergy, do you drink much cows milk at all? Dairy is a big allergy and my son gets a rash on his cheek if i have had alot of cows milk!
all sorts of things get put down to teething, but you did the right thing getting it checked out by a doctor. My daughter's "teething rash" turned out to be shingles!!!!
It's true that people can attribute many symptoms to teething, however I have had 4 kids and they ALL had rashes and diarrhoea and sickness when teething. Saying that it is important to be vigilant in case the symptoms turn into something more serious.