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Strangest thing that has happened to you today?

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Goodsoulette | 21:00 Wed 13th Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
I had a snooze at about 5 this afternoon woke up feeling pinned down with what I thought was someone whispering stuff into my ear. Of course when I came to properly there was no one pinning me down. Anyone else have this? i think I have real sleep problems because I talk alot in my sleep and act out dreams, often on waking or just falling asleep, I wake myself up feeling like I am falling or catching imaginary objects.

As strange as this, its not the first time, unlike agreeing with Legend on another thread and him making me laugh on another.


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It's nothing to worry about.
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Hi Rasmus, foot is still borked. Aint letting it hiold me back though, I have seated tickets anyway, so it aint gonna be a problem and getting a coach there and back so dont really have to worry about the walking either.

Are yolu taking a white plastic spoon?
What for?
yes its as ethel says, you are dreaming that you have woken up, so you think its real because you can see your room etc very clearly, and so try to move as usual, but your body won't let you as a protective mechanism to stop you acting out your dreams.
people who sleepwalk and talk out loud have a 'blip' in the function of this mechanism.

i know you say you argue, cry etc in your dreams but do you act this out? would a partner see and hear you do this?

i remember once waving my arm arm around and being freaked out because it was see-through and had a blurry outline like ''predator'' , i was sure i wasn't dreaming because i could feel it. i eventually forced myself awake and found a real non alien arm tucked under the duvet.
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