My auntie is reading a fiction book called Elegance. The book is about a woman who finds an old book, written in the 50's, in a store about how to be an elegant lady. In the book this woman is reading, there is the following:
Speaking as a bloke, I wouldn't mind chatting up the plain ones but they never seem talkative, perhaps if they smiled and made a bit more eye contact they'd pull a bit more often. The most attractive feature of a woman to me is a brain but you don't know what that's like unless you start talkign to them and I wouldn't start talking to somebody in a bar unless they were smilie, approachable and making eye contact/having an interesting conversation within earshot/ smoking.
ahh I think there is a slight difference between plainess and shyness, In some cases there are people that are very introverted and despite efforts you cant always get blood out of a stone.
I mean a plain girl as in someone who is dressed more conservatively as opposed to a mini skirt and thigh highs!
The guy is too busy drooling at the goods to even acknowledge a more plainer girl
If you find that cazz you need to drink in pubs with better men in them. I will often be found in the globe and provided you wait around after the Champs league match I'm in there to watch, I should have warmed up enough with the beer to start chatting to you, provided you do as mentioned above, smiles, eyecontact, laughter, good banter and it helps if you are outside when I'm smoking too.
See I find it easy to chat to guys when I am out amd find I get approached often but I wouldn't say I am one of the superficial ones! But that said and done I am always smiling and very chatty!
It's vital, nobody will notice you if you're not. You could be pig ugly but if you are deemed to be good fun to speak to then you're much more likely to get lucky. Luck's doesn't even come into it, you make your own.
That's very true Skreech. No good sitting in the corner moping and moaning that no guy will chat to you. Even if you are very attractive, that won't get anyone noticing! You have to be approachable.
Attraction between one person and another is not homogeneous to all and sundry. I agree with the vulgarity bit though. It�s OK once a week and twice on Sundays, but not ALL the time.
Had this Q not been at the top I wouldn�t have answered it, fancy that eh. Ruby, are you �one of the faves�?