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Does anyone want to feed my hamster?

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annie0000 | 00:10 Sat 30th Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
39 Answers
Volunteers please to watch my hamster, Harry, while we are on holiday.


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I will,which part of the country are you in?
Question Author
Central Scotland
I will, but im in the south east.

Wanna mail it to me?
Question Author
Have you any experience with pets? I would want anyone who would harm the wee fella, he is almost 2 now so it getting on in hamster terms!
I think that is a very scary offerm what if it dies, the operson volunteering would have to have online access to every hampster bredder ij the uk to be able to source a doppleganger if it snuffed it
shame,to far away.Look in your local paper for pet sitters.Good luck.
i can spell doppleganger but not in, i am wierd
Question Author
My kids believe that Harry leaves his cage every night and has adventures in the big world - he can apparantly fly his own personal jet, so presumably he would be able to fly to you as long as he had the correct co-ordinates!
I had a fish but it died after a week, RIP Wiggles.

And ive got a cat but ive just left home and couldnt bring her so the 'rents are adopting her.

But i can give your lil guy lots of love and food, whats its name?

Do i qualify?
Question Author
I do have an offer, but it means driving him over to them tomorrow and I was trying to save a bit of time - my neighbour is due back her hols tomorrow, so that is my back up - to be honest I thought he would have gone to hamster heaven by now, but I have kept him on a very healthy diet!
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Hi Misty, we had two golfish, one died after 8 days as we had a 7 day guarantee! the other commited suicide shortly afterwards. Harry however seems to be a complete success - only problem is that the kids never see him as he doesn't get up til about 10pm!
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Dot he is a very unusual black and white hamster - kind of like a border collie only smaller.....much smaller.
I will feed him and am in central Scotland (ish).
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Hi warpig never heard of ish - is it near stirling?
LOL, ish!!! Linlithgow.
annie where you off to?
lotta jocks arrived in the reef today.

the pet shop boys would watch em im sure lol
high warpig
hows lithgie??

wot u up to ya gimp lol?????
Question Author
Hiya Warpig - the offer I have is closer than linlithgow, but thanks anyway- you never know, I might take you up on it yet!

Legend- I am off to Holland - School holidays start today, or in some places yesterday, which would explain all the Scots - don't think we are to get as good weather as you have over there.
its 23 degrees now

hot as joe the pikeys fresh laid tarmac lol.

have a good time but youre missin the reef annie
Question Author
Don't think I would trust the pet shop boys - don't some people put hamsters up their poo holes for some kind of fetish?

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Does anyone want to feed my hamster?

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