I bought one of these about this time last year and it was a wonderful pink colour. It produced one single tiny pink flower last Spring/Summer. Since then it has gradually lost its pinkness and is now green, with no sign of any flowers anywhere! I've not changed its position or watering routine. I don't know anything about these plants - I just like the look of it! Will it colour up and flower again, or am I doing something wrong? Any help greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Don't worry. It's too late. I came home and found the top half rotted away from the roots, so I've obviously been too generous with the watering can! Ah well. I'll remember for next time.:-)
Sorry about your loss flirty, but give yourself a pat on the back for having it so long. You obviously have the knack if it bloomed for you so don't get too down-hearted. I had an Air Plant ( not at beautiful as yours) about 3 years ago and it lasted all of 8 days.
Thank you for your kind words, Cetti. I don't feel so bad now, especially since you had such terrible luck with yours. I might try again, but I'll be sure to find out how to look after it properly before I do!