Men... in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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shk | 23:22 Sat 11th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
42 Answers
What do men want out of a relationship? Tried marriage, tried long-term, tried weekend relarionships but none of these fit, is this my fault for having high expectations or being a psycho woman, just want companionship and fun... why do men have such hang ups and end relationships so horribly???
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and I never said women were either :-)

but thevhint was there.

gotta go

manana amigos xx
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Not all men
1. Are unable to plan ahead
2. Like football
3. Dislike shopping
4. Give a monkeys who is on tv and whether they are fit or not.
5. Like just rock
6. Can't dress themselves properly.
7. Think that a posh barbers is one with a basin...now if they give you coffee too thats a different matter ;)
8. Prefer not to get their news from tabloids and gutter press.
9. Have problems with their partners or wives having a life outside of their relationship

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what were your high expectations?? maybe these men found them intimidating and pressurising?

maybe its the sort of men you are attracted too.

I think men are much like women, most are ok but there are always the few bad apples
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High expectations - that a relationship can last past four years! I think I have always been the classic doormat and then rebelled when I woke up one day and suddenly realised that I was not being treated how I would want to be.

Think you should always "do as you would be done by", just don't seem to go for the right kind of bloke...

Triggerhappy - are you saying you're a frog...!
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immaturity with most men, ive found the morphing you into mum happens because they need a substitute.
cant think ahead, have no foresight, are there in body, minds are miles away most of the time.
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Triggerhippy (soory and previous sp)

Perhaps the fact that I always go for frogs is the problem! They just never turn into princes!!!

I blame Walt Disney to be honest - too many perfect endings...
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That's what I want!

I want to go to art galleries, recitals and museums, generally have mentally stimulating chats instead of what's for dinner and football.
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Define geeky!
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So what does a day pass to Geeksville entail?
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...intrigued and slightly tempted
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With an address like that... the intrigue grows

I'll email later as at work now and really slow connection x

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