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Sex and one night stands

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Mr k | 20:11 Thu 30th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
43 Answers
Following on from legends questions..
He has asked about sex on first dates..
What about one night stands and what was the quickest time from meeting someone to having sex ?


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goodness I feel so untrendy, I have never had a one night stand...
Neither have I Cazzz, and I don't ever intend to!x
Less than 5 lol in a toilet on Broad Street how romantic am I.....
Was it with George Micheal Rev?
Katie, I expect johnlambert found Bosnia rather more grim... just goes to show how it can all depend on the circumstances, really
Johnlambert, you old romantic, well you had a quick escape if the friction set her on fire!!
How very rude Mr Lambert it was a bird actually lol
its almost like bragging for the guys?!, I bet if these were all women boasting they would get called names!
Not by me Cazz, the way I look at it as long as your are both consenting who cares?

I never brag about it, if someone asks I'll tell them. Sometimes I'm not proud of the amount of people I've slept with but I'm sure I'll get over it lol
Just answering a question cazz, one night stands are not big and they are not clever, it was a release, that's all. At that time I was going into a situation that I had the strangest feeling I wasn't coming back from. Previous to that tour i had been in Northern Ireland umteen times and the Gulf war without a scratch, and Bosnia was where I got wounded.
jno, I meant it would be grim for the innocent bystanders!!!!lol.x
I know what you meant, Katie! But like jl says, sometimes soldiers who are going off to war do these things. I expect Reverandfunk was on his way to Rwanda at the time too.
No I was just bad lol

But I was single so why not lol
Sdly, I have had 2 one-night stanads. I'm not proud of them. They happened on tour; I tour eight months a year and I succumbed to the loneliness.

The quickest? He and I were in bed in less than an hour. He was good!

I never even got their names.
Sadly, I ahve had two of them. I'm not proud of it. I tour eight months a year and I succumbed to the loneliness.

The quickest? He and I were in bed and having sex in less than an hour. He was good!
these questions are 2 years old!
Yea....i was just looking at the dates on them.....wondering why they were resurrected....weird!!
Lol's nice to see some old names :-)

I've never had a one night stand either.
I think someone is typing "sex" in the search box, and answering anything ;o)
I'm gonna phone Mr K tommorrow now...

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