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Question for fellow female answerbankers

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skyep | 22:12 Sat 01st Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
43 Answers
Apologies if my question appears twice! How tactile / demonstrative is your other half / partner? I love my husband very much, but if I had to wait for spontaneous affection, I would wait a long time! lol, I just dont think it's in his nature. However, if I give him a cuddle or a kiss, he is very loving back?


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BOO, I suppose thats all that matters, that you know they genuinely care. I can say that my other half well and truly does, I don't like over slushiness, just if he would now and again plant an unsuspecting kiss my way! He shows his love in other ways, romance isn't in everyone I guess!
We are actually sitting back to back on our owns separate PCs lol
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bigmamma, I always love your input, you are a very rare and lovely person! Love and hugs from me to you! xxxx
Thankyou skyep , how kind of you ?-) ((HUGS)) x
Holding hands isn't necessarily signs of a new relationship. My partner and I still hold hands after 7 years together. My parents who have been married for over 50 years still hold hands even while sitting watching tv. My partner and I are both very tactile and he and I both feel that it makes us feel wanted.
I would ask RATTER to come and give Mr Aprilis some lessons in how to be loving and attentive but he still wouldn't be able to do it even with written instructions. He just isn't made that way. I guess I do know that he loves me though and that's what counts after all.
Sorry , that ? wasn't supposed to be there , should be a smile like ...:-) lol
I must clarify that what we have is not at all "slushy"! Honestly! But we both never seem to forget to make each other loved and cared for every day. All it takes is little gestures really. I guess it is because we have both been through an awful lot of trauma in our lives that we really appreciate each other. I learned to remember to be attentive to my partner in little ways each day from my father. He was the most affectionate and considerate man I have ever known and my parents had the most wonderful marriage. Sadly I wasn't so lucky with my two marriages. But now I have my RATTER and he keeps me smiling .... well, most of the time! LOL :o)
Mr Boo still holds my hand too when we're out shopping etc, but I think that's more to stop me meandering off into shoe shops than anything else.
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domini, well that blows that theory away!! How wonderful that is! Maybe I'm painting a bad picture of my other half, we were sat together before holding hands after I held his first?
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bigmamma, lol! Long may you be a member of answerbank! Have you got everything back to normal now in your house?
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Aprilis, guess we should count our blessings?
Mr puss is always cuddling me even when Coronation St is on....I say.."don't touch my fat"...he says.."well draw me a map" Well he can touch my elbows and ankles anything in between is very dodgy.
Hee hee skyep , fingers crossed , yes things have been fixed , although it hasn't rained since the leak was fixed so the proof will be in the pudding as the saying goes :-) x
Me and Mr Annie have been married for 11 years and still hold hands (I do allow that) however, it is rare that we are out with no kids, they still like to squeeze in the middle. I am thinking that at 7 and 6 (both boys) that is likely to stop soon though.
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bigmamma, glad you are sorted now xxx
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annie - Treasure all of that, time flys!
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Well, I have really enjoyed all your feedback. Suppose I had better be a bit more affectionate with my other half and get off here and keep him company lol!!!!! Goodnight everyone!
Nighty night skyep , have a good evening :-) xx
Skyep, I do count my blessings but the occasional kiss or hug wouldn't go amiss. I do show Mr A affection and it's usually met with (what he thinks is good humoured) sarcasm or some other silly comment. For instance, after reading this thread I went and gave him a big squeaky kiss on the cheek. His response? Berating me for making dolphin noises in his ear!!! He is lying on the sofa watching a film so I 'affectionately' sunk my front teeth gently into his bald head! He asked me what the bloody hell I was doing so I told him...being tactile, lol!

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