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Has TV gone to far with extreme views

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Doc Spock | 11:03 Mon 10th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
62 Answers
Has Coronation Street degerenerated so much that Sean Tulley has lines inluding.

" He has got a nice bum" or " he has got a nice mouth"

Hang the perverse scriptwiters.



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is your name Jim Davidson?
Well said triggerhippy.
What's the old saying about methinks he protests to much?
Its ok doc I;m sure non of the gays you come across would try it on with you
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I just love rattling those cages you live in.
I never said bumboy... I said bumchum in the reference of best friends.

Do you have a notebook with all of our names where you record what we say day by day.
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"Come across gays" goody, just what are you suggesting.
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al lot of people have such a book goody
Talking of rattling tell us why your wife left you Doc???
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Was trigger using English ?
no I'm forgetmenot. :-(
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Two wives actually Mrs O. Threw them both out,

they didn't like my Bernard Mannind CD's

Some people have no taste.
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So you weren't glued to BBC 4's season commemorating 40 years since the decriminalisation of homosexuality in the UK then?
Either you're fibbing now or you fibbed in a previous post when you said your first wife left YOU.
I can't think why anyone would give up on such a charmer. Maybe it's because you are teetering on the edge of the closet?
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By jove Trigg, been reading amateur pschcology again.
I bet you are an under achieving low wage earner with a usless degree in , say, media studies, art or sciology.

The clues are there.
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They are inclined to leave when chucked out !
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I see you are interested in my previous posts Mrs O , how very flattering.

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