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Has TV gone to far with extreme views

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Doc Spock | 11:03 Mon 10th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
62 Answers
Has Coronation Street degerenerated so much that Sean Tulley has lines inluding.

" He has got a nice bum" or " he has got a nice mouth"

Hang the perverse scriptwiters.



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Triggerhippy, I bet a certain someone has a profile on the Gaydar site. He'd be easy to identify...providing you had a magnifying glass.
You got your book out again I see.
I have never heard of the phrase bumboy, however, I have heard bumchum. Maybe its a generation thing Leg. A bit like the words gay or queer.

Now my uncle he is queer. To my knowledge he has never had sex with a man, or had any sexual attraction to one but hes a right odd'un. Its all about context.

If I really wanted to insinuate the two of you were enjoying a sexual relationship I would have been less discreet about it.
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I presume trig that you bat for the other team ?

I believe that any one expounding the theory of latent homosexuality is looking for an excuse to explain their sexual perversions.
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I assume Mrs O that you have been unlucky in love.

Small wonder.
as you are interested in mine Doc, when you assume I am talking about you when I make a general comment about old people. As I said then, you are either suffering from paranoia or are extremely vain.
I am interested in your posts as I would be interested in a car crash.....something quite horrible but one can't help having a glance to double check just how horrible.
He shoots...

He scores!
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I have a lot to be vain about. Unlike you I have never seen any of your previous posts, only to-days.
Wrong again Doc. I'm happily married - unlike you. Also, I'm heterosexual (unlike you?) and I'm a very tolerant person - unlike you.
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You need help trigger.
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Lot of assumptions Mrs O based on an imaginary situation site.
Triggerhippy, from 'her' posts, I'd guess Doc is over 60, never mind over 50.
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It disturbs me to hear that trigg gets an erection when evacuating his bowels.

Too much information from the other side I think.
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So that is it Mrs O. Siding with someone who gets a stiffy when pooing.

Well if that is the measure of you. Enough said.
I'm going too.
I have a life.
Try getting one Doc, it may surprise you.
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Lots of heterosexual men and women enjoy a bit of sexual activity involving the bottom. Its not exclusive to the gay men club. Just as I am sure there are probably gay men out there that dont like anal sex.

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