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wake up you lot

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oldgrape | 08:14 Tue 11th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
80 Answers
am i the only one a wake on this site come on lazy bones!
My son woke me at 5.00 and is now having a morning nap
i cant go back to sleep now cause i'm completely awake
So u lot where ru
Wheres the questions???


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Yes "we". I asummed that the opinion of one answerbanker counted for all. Is that not the case?
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No, otherwise everybody would agree.
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hi legend i'm in a jolly god morning this morning my son is happy and think i'm pregnant again will be going in to town later to get a test
They do agree.
Oooh let us all know wont you. Think theres something in the water
Katie you are probably already a member. There are just 3 requirements:

1) Yes is to be spelled YES. Lazy and hip variations such as yeah, yup, yer are forbidden. Yeah ought to carry a death sentence because it takes longer to type and is therefore doubly posy, like a man with a neatly trimmed moustache.
2) Use 'methinks' even once and you are out on your ear.
3) No really really irritating let-down posts like

You expected something uproariously funny or witty here, but as ever you were disappointed.
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is whiffey and smiffey the same person?
Oooooooh how do I go about joining this clique???x

(are "oooooh" and "x" allowed?)
ARE! ARE whiffey and smiffy there same person. Not is you illiterate freak! I am not sure, you will have to ask whiffey.
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katie 77 don't do "we" don't want you to go to the dark side
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there same person
HEE hee ****
Who is we exactly oldgrape?

what do you think oldgrape, up comes smiffy, oh look theres whiffy. Anyway dont sway from the question thats what they want
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that is why i placed " " any one who feels the same can be part of the "we" if they don't that the we refers to my son and i
Please don't put me in the same category as that gibbon !

I only have three user names, whiffey, whiffey_1 and johnlambert.
oooh oldgrape, another pregnant ABer might be on the cards! Theres quite a few of us now, might even be able to start a new clique and a 'we' :)

4get, babycrx was just getting back into routine following the mother-in-laws visit. hes fine.
And as I said before I�ll write yer how I want. I don�t have to listen to other people.
red even the ED is in on it agreeing with me yesterday :-) And bless well other mother in law tonight :-)
ooooooh, xxxxxx, PMSL, SMSL, LOL, etc are all very acceptable. Genuine insults should always be rounded off with lol or a smiley :) which means 'only joking' (not!) lol :):):)

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