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one wish?

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confused79 | 15:30 Tue 11th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
32 Answers
If you was granted just one wish what would it be and why?


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Can I have a second one to let taliesin238 have children. I cannot imagine never be able to have children.
To ban ''parrot perches'' {earrings}

They look dreadful
For all spiders to disappear off the face of the earth because i hate them and they seem to be getting bigger and hairier :-(
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that choked me up when i read taleisin238 but i didnt want to say anything incase i upset her/him.

I didn't read the other answers.. I feel selfish now :-(

Sorry to all the PPL with sad wishes..

Maybe a real wish would be to stop people dying of horrible ilnesses...
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ah it's ok rosenicola we can still have a laugh, we have to make people smile too.
Thanks :-)
For everybody in my family to be healthy and happy.

I agree with you about the spiders, Rosenicola - they're HUGE this year!
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i have one spider in my garage well actually i have loads but one particular one which i think is growing by the day its very scary going in there i avoid it like the plague!
I wish that my children remain as happy and healthy as they are now.
to have my mum in law back, she died of cancer (which could have been fully treatable if the doctors hadn't have missed it) back in June leaving a devastated family
Date a different women every day until I die.

Did I say "Date"? lol ;-)

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