you're all right.i have not had a drink for over 2 years (march 13th 2002 to be pecise!) as i am a recovering alcoholic. i can't just have one drink as it will turn into many. i am an 'all or nothing' type of person with all aspects of my personality not just with booze. and have a very addictive personality like most alcoholics. the ways and reasons alcoholics drink is different to 'normal' people - we usually start drinking heavily to block out reality and don't just drink socially and in the evenings (i have never needed booze to be outgoing and sociable) but then become mentally and physically addicted to alcohol (i had hideous physical withdrawel when i stopped drinking). so it's easier, not that it's easy at all but you know what i mean, to not have any booze at all. hope this makes sense and helps. xx