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What do you sound like?

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Wix | 23:06 Mon 24th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
81 Answers
What does your voice sound like?
My voice is quite deep.
What about yours???


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Oxgangs - bloody freezing but plenty of fresh air!
Ah, I spent 2 years at Dreghorn/Redford Barracks, do you know the Good Companions?
mandy or lisa??? you cheeky mare. lol
Yup Goodies was our local - I well remember being sent to the Vintners (sp!) round the side to get a "cairy oot" for my brothers - no problem buying under age alcohol in those days. I moved from Oxgangs to the equally salubrious Broomhouse when i was 14, but kept going to Firhill high - just across form the barracks. We used to do our cross country in the field to the south of the barracks. Used to spend quite a lot of time hanging about at the bottom chippy - the one in colinton mains - most of my family worked at the Hunters tryst pub - a wee bit up market from Goodies!!
I had a few drinks in the Tryst before we went to Belfast!! small world
Ringo Starr
It certainly is! I went into the Tryst about a year or so ago, and having spent a lot of time in it as a child - I used to go there for lunch when I was in primary school becasue my Mum was working there, and also spent a good bit of the holidays hanging about up there, playing in the woods etc. I couldn't believe how small it felt to be in there as a grown up. Don't know Craigmillar well, but had to laugh when a friend of mine was commenting that she really liked the name Craig, but couldn't use it when her son was born as her second name was Millar!
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lol, my wife was mortified when we moved to Auld Reekie when i left the Army, her parents are middle class and she had never experienced anything like Niddrie/Craigmillar/Greendykes in her life. She almost died when we went to the chippy and they explained to her what a deep fried Mars bar was, she dragged me out by my ear when they told her about the Easter special deep fried Cadbury Cream Egg
yer she meant she looked like either. You've seen my photo so you should know
Aww! - nobody does scum quite like the Scots! A friend of mine was brought up in Greendykes - her upbringing was pretty much like mine - I can understand your wife's shock John - talk about a fish out of water - I hope that she grew to love the other aspects of Edinburgh.
She loved the place, we bought a place on Easter Road, so we were close enough for her to walk up the toon. We used to meet up in Rose Street for lunch most days, we only moved down here when she became ill and she had no family close to her. She's ok now
Yes it is a beautiful city if you stay out of the schemes, I still miss it, but not too much now as I am in Stirling and it is like a mini Edinburgh. I can see the castle ot one window and the Wallace monument out the other. Sorry for the total hijack Wix;0).
Please accept my apologies too wix.
I spent ages at Banockburn battle site doing a project for my degree, mrs4GS wanted us to buy a place there too lol
was up at bannockburn last night taking the kids to their swimming lesson. They are talking about building more houses there, there probably won't be a battle site for long.
er 4GS can you stop blatantly chatting to another woman infront of me. lol
Sorry 4get - is it handbags at dawn?
Dawn? leave Dawn out of it, she's got nothing to do with this.
Sorry 4get, I didn't think you were the jealous type, she meant nothing to me!!
Awwww that's not very nice John. Annie, don't listen to him!!!!!x
oh and here comes the other mistress

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