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mibn2cweus | 19:04 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | Body & Soul
62 Answers
Now that ChatterBank has been restored Body & Soul can return to it proper function.

A two part question:

Is it true that sex would be even better if we had only waited until it was over before beginning?


Would an extra ten minutes really make that much difference?


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Flowers are prettier growing wild in a field.

Chocolates make you sick.

Why would you get dressed to have sex? If that's the plan you could always try just popping to the bathroom quickly. 'Slipping in to something more comfortable' sounds formal. Not to mention scary if you're a bloke.

Let her choose the music... some of us have good taste and besides which, your CD collection is usually the first place I head on entering anyone's house.

Candle light is better than dimmed lights.

Opening doors and pouring the wine is good though. I get very hacked off when my glass is not refilled.

Does that help?
Er no. I haven't got a C.D. player, well not one that belongs to me, and I don't own any C.D.'s.
Somebody once bought me a George Formby C.D. to replace the tape that got lost, but that got lost as well.
Candles? Fire risk, and smell of burning wax. always have a few stashed away though in case the lights conk out.

Well.... take comfort in the fact that I'm definitely a one off so my opinion probably is not quite the done thing either.
Oh, and goodnight Mibs, Theland and trigs. Sweet dreams.
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Goodnight all, and thank you Mibs for doing your bit in restoring B & S to its presumably original purpose, the fruitful discussion of matters relating to our emotional wellbeing.
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China, I did it, I made you some toast!

Good morning Mibs.
I have to say how thoroughly I enjoyed the humourous encounter on your thread last night.
R & S never got one hit, for a change.
It was a welcome light relief.
Hope we have more of the same.
mibs.... I think we need to get you a smoke detector! But I loved my toast :c)

Morning Theland, I hope you found the soloution of romancing women in the 2007.
China - It is of academic interest only, a study of the latest theories, but not to be backed up with any experimental proofs!
Well, as with many topics you and I aren't going to agree on this.

However I sincerely hope you enjoy the theory and it's been a nice thread for a little light hearted conversation.
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legend760, Oddly enough your posts in this thread did not show up on my computer until now??? It must have appeared that I was ignoring or did not equally appreciate your input, this was not the case.

Has anyone else experienced such a phenomenon? I sometimes wonder whether any of my posts are showing up but I chocked it up to paranoia.

Thanks to the timely response of the fire squad the fire is out and the love nest and my laptop escaped unscathed. The toaster however is a total loss.

Thanks to all contributors for helping to make this thread a fine example of the human potential to remain civil even while addressing a touchy subject.
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Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Nobody who?
Nobody at all. I was just checking to see that the coast was clear!
Question Author
Smooth move . . . don't yuh think?

Anticipation has never been an issue for me. Open the dam window already . . . it's show time!

For all it's charms, in spite of its many broken promises answerbank continues to be crap on a technical level . . . especially in conjunction with prime time traffic it seems.

Perhaps second only to China's technique of adding the current page to your ٭Favorites folder, I�ve found that if I Subscribe to question, (next to Post an answer), this makes a few choice threads relatively easier to access from my profile in comparison to Threads I�m involved in. I suspect the less answerbank has to choose from the greater the likelihood of getting lucky.

Speaking of choices . . . I fear I may have to submit a few more less interesting questions in less searched regions of answerbank as I am running out of �secure� places for us to hide out. I�ve noticed no one has invited me to join in any of their private clubs. :op
With a question like that, who cares about the technical failings of AB? I'm off to do a bit of research. ;o)
I don't have any questions to hide on or else I would invite you! (I recall starting one but I can't remember where I put it, doh).

I've noticed that Bell End also commented on this thread, he ever turns up here I'm gone house hunting! ;0)
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China, If 'Bell End' is who I think it is I doubt they ever delve this deeply (561 days) into their past (or anything else). In the event any undesirables should slither in and it becomes necessary to resort to disclosing the location of a new secret hide-out thru e-mails I'd be happy to accomodate and assist to the limits of my ability to do so.

When the alternatives are down to fight or flight I'm not ashamed to admit I will opt for the latter as long as it provides a solution to the problem. I don't buy into the
"making friends with bloody fists" hypothesis.

He seems to be able to copy and paste at will and frankly I'm not happy or trusting of any old thread he's made a contribution on. I think I'd chat in a very hesitant manner as a result, I've seen what happens on CB when people (especially this person) think that the information they have on you is some sort of stick to beat you with... and indeed how they twist it! Sorry to a pain in the proverbial but can we go back to the other one and if it becomes a problem for me, think of something else? I'm sure I've some threads around somewhere that would fit but I wouldn't give out stars ;0)
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As unlikely as it is that anyone uninvited would show up here, that is one possibility which I would not belabour your anticipation. Consider this option officially ruled out.

Chi-na's a scardy cat, Chi-na's a scardy cat. Nah ♪ nah nah ♫ nah ♪ nah ♪ . . . ~o">

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