I had cryosurgery on mine many years ago after trying all the stuff you can buy in a chemist without success. It takes a few minutes to do,is a little bit painful and they have never returned.My daughter is waiting to have the same thing done but they won't do it whilst she is pregnant.
rub with gold, or get a stone from within the boundry of your home and rub around the wart with the stone in an anticlockwise (for banishing) direction a few times. when youve finished throw the stone away OUTSIDE the boundry of your home.
My son had warts on his hands and arms for a long time. We eventually took him to our GP who froze some off and said come back to do the others. Not only did the frozen ones not reappear but, magically, all the other ones disappeared too! That was a few years ago and he has not had any more warts since. Very strange things warts!
Not sure if this is just an old wives tale, but....
First thing in the morning, as soon as you wake up, before you get out of bed / have a drink / go to the loo, lick each of the warts (or in any case put your saliva on them). The healing properties in the saliva destroys them.
Sounds very wierd, I know, but I do know people that it has worked for. And it won't cost you anything. Try that for a couple of weeks first to see if it works before you spend money on lotions and potions!!
Sell them to someone.....get someone to say to you...." I will buy your warts off you"......and then they must pay you for them, it can be as little as 1p. but money must change hands, they should go in 1 - 2 weeks. I know this sounds crazy but it worked for my step daughter.
When I was 17 I developed a wart on my hand. Wart remover didn't work. I realised I was going to have to yank it out with pliers. I hated the idea, but it was either a moment's pain or having a wart for the rest of my life. So I grabbed it with the pliers and twisted it out. It came out, root and all, like a big fat grub, leaving a bloody hole but little pain. It healed up without a trace.
We used the " Buy a wart " method when I lived in Somerset.
But first the coin would be rubbed over the offending wart.
Maybe there was something in the metal that done the trick.
However nine times out of ten, It worked.