God I can relate so well! The people I didint expect to be supportive are and those I didnt are not! I thought my dad was going to go apeshit since they are so close in age even but my dad supports it completely. My best friend though wont talk to me cause she says Im "crazy and sick and must have major daddy issues." Most people think this, that those of us who date older men have daddy issues -- Ironically I think I maybe I have mommy issues, my mom died when I was a little kid and I was never taken care of (emotionally). My bf helps nurture that part of me who is that little girl, is that such a crime? I dont ACT like a child with him, he doesnt baby me, in fact he encourages my independce. I think on some subconcious level he is nurturing that part of me. My childhood wasnt perfect, and Im not perfect, but I dont think that makes me sick or bad. I think that many people are playing out their childhoods with the partners they pick and its just important to be aware and that is a way to transcend it. As long as you are not in an unhealthy cycle I think there is no problem. And even if it is a problem it is YOUR problem... I feel if you are making a mistake it is your mistake to make.
It sux @ your brothers and his parents. I dont know how to handle it really either. Me, I just let rude remarks go un noticed and I realize I cannot control them just as much they cannot control me. And that means I cant control the way they think. If they are going to be bigoted and closed minded in the end its them who suffer for it.
I also think, that the people who react strongly, are somehow strangely jealous. Does this make sense???