Hi hellie :o)
I should have put in my post that the GP wouldn't necessarily prescribe drugs, and that they can be very helpful regarding counselling etc.
homerbart ~ confidence is a real issue..I know, I have been there! it can be a vicious circle :o(
Make today a new day. Why wait until January? in my experience no good ever came out of setting a date in my head..or on the calendar! say to yourself ''Right, today is the day I am going to sort myself out''
Don't worry about the way you look right now. Get out there and join a gym, or even get an exercise DVD/video to work on at home. It doesn't have to be strenuous...you can get some which are very light work.
I bought the Susan Powter one. If you see her DVDs around take a look...everyone doing her exercises are on the larger side, which is great if you don't want to look at lithe women doing the splits ;o)
As for clothes ~ bin them. I kept hold of lots of stuff ''just in case they fit me again''. The rule of thumb is that if you haven't worn something for a year then chuck it..unless it is a classic piece..