I handle the drink very well. The flute rests perfectly in my hand! Oh - but how unpleasant some people get when they've had a few, don't they? I was in an Indian restaurant once when two people started arguing loudly. It ended up with the chap pulling the tablecloth off his table, sending things crashing onto the floor. He was obviously the worse for wear, and stormed out of the place before the police were called. I can't understand why folk have to get so obnoxious. If they know they're going to turn nasty, then why don't they just lay off the stuff that makes them worse?
I think it's an addiction with some folk, they know it makes them aggresive but they still do it.
The only problem i have when i've had a few too many is that i want to sing, really loudly and really badly (so i've been told).
Red go for it girl, they should learn to handle their drink.
1) Louisa????!!!
2) You carry on singing - it's better than fighting!
3) Red - too right. That's what a lot a lot of people don't have for themselves these days. I was brought up to respect other people and myself. Made a few faux pas on the way, but I wouldn't dream of showing myself up to outsiders by getting drunk and aggressive. Either pour that water - or empty a potty!!!!
I have to admit tigger i used to be like that everytime i went out with my (now) hubby, and i'd often get very violent but i've learned to control myself, i know when ive had enough but i still know that if i had that one over my limit i'd get like it again, ive learnt my limitations and we always have a great night together now! I've no excuses for the way iused to behave i dont know if it's cuz i was only 16 when we firsat got togther (he was23) and all we'd do is get drunk every night in fact the first time i got drunk was with him, i had big insecurity issues and have dealt through those with therapy, it's taken a long time, but we've been together 10 yrs now married for 4 and have a beautiful 4 yr old daughter, as for why others do it, ive no idea but you have to know you're limitations and unfortunatley alot of people just dont know when to stop!
That's big of you to admit, Pingu, but I think a lot of people learn these things as they get older and wiser, don't they? I've had people sneer at the fact that I don't pour alcohol down me like it's going out of fashion, but if these same peole could see themselves when they act like a bunch of immature teenagers, maybe they'd think differently.
I agree ice age probably does have something to do with it, i have to admit it stopped when i unexpectadley fell pregnant and although i miscarried (not through drinking i was t-total when pregnant) it really put the shockers up me i think since we had our daughter cuz we cant go out and drink every night or even a couple of nights a week we respect it more, how my hubby ever put up with me though i'll never know!
I agree Ice. I look back at myself acting all stupid when tanked up and feel embarrassed. The older you get the more you think about things before doing them.
Pingu i have a friend like that also, no joking she can knock out men with one punch, but she only gets like that after she has been drinking.
She knows what she is like but doesn't stop drinking. There has been many a time i've had to get in the middle of her and her opponent. Which as Red says is selfish, cos it spoils everyones night out.
I was the same men, women, lamposts i'd lash out at anything, how i didnt get arrested i dont know, i even smacked a bouncer once cuz he took my drink off me, i also found people didnt want to go out with me & stopped asking me & my hubby out, god i'm still so ashamed of my behaviour, maybe you could try that tactic or what about filming her on your phone so she can see what she gets like, you have to be cruel to be kind, she could be putting herself in danger
I want to answer you all at once here!! Great to see you back Lou - how come you got thrown in the dungeon?!!
Pingu - really sorry to hear about what happened to you, but your hubby stayed with you because he loves you. Don't worry about it. I'm sure we all do stupid things at times x.
TB - I agree, as said above, but what I really hate to see, is people getting loud and uncouth in a public place. It does them no favours at all.
wow abers !! for timeis time of night we did pretty well answering that question , i must admit i used to be dynamite on certain drinks like gin and vodka - would not touch them now if my life depended on it !