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4getmenot | 15:42 Mon 21st Jan 2008 | Body & Soul
48 Answers
Am quite surprised at a response I had earlier. And would just like to know if you needed blood would you refuse it if you knew it came from a homosexual?


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I think thats been changed to 6 months I know piercings has
will look in to that thanks m8
I would refuse it as i wouldn't want to catch anything else..
If the blood was 100% safe after a transfusion then you would be able to still give blood as this is not the case now..
What are they trying to say the blood you have just been given isn't safe ?
i have blood products and because of this i had to have a course of hepatitis injections, so it isnt always 100% pure
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no. does that mean you would refuse an organ?
roy refuse it or die ??? you call it.
I think i would YES
But I'm not in the position to need one so i can say that now but even so i still think i would say no.
Im not mad i just wouldnt want an organ from a homosexual..
Ok some might say its an organ and your mad but thats my choice..
Would you have an good organ from any living person?
As i said earlier if your blood was safe from a homosexual then they to could give blood.(with or without protection)
As this is not the case it must mean it could be unsafe..
For that reason i would rather die from my illness not one given to me..
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But you are willing to take blood from a hetrosexual that might have had numerous unprotected one night stands compared to a homo that has had protected anal sex?
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Not having a go thats your choice and I Thank you for answering so honestly
I understand what your getting at ..
And your right but the risks must be very low as the give blood forms don't ask about unprotected sex with a female only men on men..
If you are that concerned it is possible to donate blood to yourself aspx?3,82516
Also they may have protected sex but i bet that doesn't include oral..
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But surely risks would be higher in unprotected sex than a gay man having protected sex whatever.
I guess your right but why do they forms only ask about sex and anal with gay men.
It doesnt ask about anal with female or unprotected sex unless you have been to certain parts of the world.
As you cant give blood once you have had a transfusion.
It must mean no blood is safe..
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exactly and if people now say they test all blood why not let everyone donate
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IAP i dont think 4get will be on now as she only posts at work.

Her question came about following her earlier post asking why homesexuals were not allowed to give blodd and if it affected organ donations too.

There is no way she is predjudiced against peoples sexuality
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