I am very blonde but i have a fairly large amount of red in my hair, although you can't see it unless i put brown through my hair. i've only tried this wash-in wash-out type of hair dye once but the colour i chose was too red apparently and turned me a more reddy blonde than brown. i was just wondering if anyone else had the same issue and if they tried a darker brown? i was thinking of doing this because i just want to see what i would look like brunette.
My hairdresser advised a blonde friend of mine to dye her hair red before applying a brown dye as the brown semi permanent dyes sometimes turn blonde hair a khaki colour.
Most of those wash in wash out ones (like Toners/Shaders etc) turn your hair a reddy colour, even if they claim to be a brown colour! I used to use them on my brown hair when i was a teenager and no matter which one I used, I always ended up red!
Thank you (: still not sure whether it's worth it after all. a friend of mine suggested dying it black instead but wouldn't that just go grey?! :S lol
i may just get pink highlighting kit instead of dying my whole head.
Be very careful which colour you choose!I chose a permanent dye in mahogany and it looked awful, so then I tried to dye over it with another colour. To cut a long story short, I ended up having to go to the hairdressers to sort it out