They say body brushing once a day in the direction of your heart helps, drinking lots of still water, eating healthy food and avoiding alcohol to avoid toxin build up. Personally I've found Dove firming lotion to have the best effect.
I always scrub the tops of my arms with the rough side of my bath sponge, which helps to keep it at bay! I can't be bothered to do my legs though, but they don't look that bad under my shorts anyway!
lizzy. i thought the answer bank was supposed to be a forum to share ideas and useful tips. im sorry but i fail to understand why you should make the effort to answer my question with a trite remark. i was using the answerbank in the way i believe it was intended
Sorry Verong, I was just joking around and figured your question had been answered well by the others. I have heard the same as the others especially about the water but I have also read, more's the pity, that there is no permanent miracle cure and I'm a little bit wary of all those expensive creams that promise so much. I was interested to here that Dove was good I might try that!