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Stress and No Sleep.

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mistys | 15:44 Mon 10th Mar 2008 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
The no sleeping bit is partly my fault, but it has always been a problem for me over the last 4 years.
I'm going through some stressful time's right now, anyone know how I can help this.
I just want to free my mind, feel relaxed and get a good night's sleep.


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do you take anything for the stress?. Ive used herbal kalms before now and theyve helped.
Question Author
No havn't tried taking anything yet, can you recommend any good one's?
as i just said, i used Kalms.

also have a warm bath before bed, keep your room at about 16 degrees, if youre not tired read a book until you feel sleepy again.

Dont have a TV in your bedroom, use your room only for sleeping in.
Question Author
Oh I didn't realise that's what they were called. I will look for them next time I get a chance to get out the house.
I'm not sure what the sleeping problem is, it's been like it for years. I've tried having the relaxing bath's, hot drinks, reading and no TV or computer but it doesn't help.
I can't just use my room for sleeping in either as I pretty much live in that one room. I don't watch much TV tho.
try this
seratone 5- htp
its good for stress
hi misty x
Question Author
Hiya Mont, thanks for the tip. Will also try it, really need something to work. I'm becoming such a miserable cow right now.
This will sound a bit mad, but I suffered with being unable to get to sleep when I was in my early twentys. What worked for me was to get into my normal sleeping position and gradually relax each part of my body form the toes upwards - kind of saying goodnight to each part of you. I never got past the shoulders before dropping off - it kind of clears your mind.

However, the best way to sort this out is to do something about whatever is causing you stress. Even if you cant resolve it, the act of doing something makes you feel more positive.
This sounds a bit nuts, but it works for me (sometimes).
Get into bed, try to relax as much as possible and settle down as if you were trying to go to sleep...but, keep your eyes open and make yourself keep on keeping them open for as long as you can.
Only other thing I would say is, try not to lie in if you've had difficulty in getting off the night before. I know it's hard, but it will only make getting off the next night harder.
If you haven't been sleeping well for some time, you could approach your GP or Practice Nurse for advice. Some places have sleep clinics.
Question Author
Thanks annie and lex, they both sound worth a try. Will give them a go tonight.
The cause of the stress is going to be a little harder to deal with but I'm just trying to not let it competely take over me.
As i said mistys - even if you cant resolve the cause of the stress completely, if you do something positive to start sorting it out - even if it is only formulating a plan, you will start to feel that you are in control. It is the feeling of helplessness that sometimes causes you to be stressed and it is a viscious circle in that you feel demoralised and that the problem cant be solved - if you want to talk about it feel free to pm me.
Sounds like the stress is really your problem, mistys.
Try to make yourself stop thinking about it in bed if you can, as that might be what's keeping you from sleeping. Again something that worked for me was to make myself think of something my case trying to remember all of the rooms of my granny's house and what was in them. Mind you, I was always happy at granny's so don't try this one if you weren't, think of somewhere where you were happy.
It's really rotten when you can't sleep.
Goos Luck.
Sorry, meant GOOD LUCK
Question Author
Thank you annie, thats really kind, nice to know I can talk to you if needed.
I will try all these little tips and if it's still bad then I'll go to my GP and see if he can help.
Don't think that will help too much lex, I live with my grandparent's and that's where a lot of the stress is coming from. Thing's are a bit tough at the moment. Hopefully they will get better over the next few day's, I just need to realise I can't change them.
I think the fact my sleeping has been really bad lately is making me feel worse meaning the stress is taking over more, it feels like I can't win sometimes.
All the best mistys. x
The only person you can change is you, mistys.
What about trying to remember somewhere else you were happy ? there must have been somewhere, a park or a holiday place, maybe ?
All the best
misty de-clutter ya room! esp, on ya bed just have the essentials such as just your pillow and duvet!! it helps!!
hi mistys, I have suffered with sleep problems sinceIi was 15 or so (now 30). Ii find the best thing to help me drop off is to spend a few minutes just before bedime writing down all the things bothering me or that I have to do the next day. this means that I get them out of my head, and as annie suggests it makes you feel more positiviely that you are forward planning and in control of things more.
If I have a long run of sleepless nights, I will also take sominex (an over the counter sleeping tablet sold in Boots) which works a treat!
I've also tried the relaxing the body thing from toes up, combined with deep breathing this can really help to relax you, so is worth a try.

sweet dreams!
Dear mistys,

I find going for a walk or a jog (or a mixture of both) helps alot with both stress and the not being able to sleep . Just make sure you dont do it too close to bed time as you will have problems winding down and sleeping. When I go out for a jog I seem to switch off from everything. Hope this helps and good luck.

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