diet ? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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diet ?

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xJosie---x | 17:24 Fri 28th Mar 2008 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
im bout 5'4 and weigh 11st and only 13 yrs old but im quite solid built. im not good with diets and dnt really like exersice . but i drink abit of water

would like help with this though.x
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see your other posts hon, plenty of folk replying !!
Hi Josie sweetheart, I havent seen your other threads but if you look in Health and Fitness we have a diet thread going. I am a bit wary to advise you with you only being 13 but maybe your Mum could help you and join in the thread with us.

Take Care and hey, dont beat yourself up over exercise, I hate it myself too.

Take Care.

Katie. x
you would be better doing things simply, eat normal food (meat and veg) and have processed junk (take-aways, ready meals, chocolate and crisps) sparingly , say one day a week, the rest of the time eat healthy, eat plenty of fruit and veg and instead of contemplating exercise, go and play a sport you enjoy.

roller blading
ect... exercise doesnt have to be boring!

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