I have got a pain in my right arm, in the shoulder blade and it feels like inside the muscle. I do not remember damaging it at all. I find it hard to sleep. I can only lift it up very slightly. What could it be and should I be alarmed? I have been treating it with Ibuprofen and it alleviates the pain slightly. I suppose that I will have to visit the doctor! My neck is making slight crackling noises when I turn it. Would Cod Liver Oil capsules do the trick?
could be a number of things, a trapped nerve, maybe you tore or damaged a muscle, tendon or ligament working out, the crackling of the neck though would be something id get check out. again its something that could be a number of things, id recommend seeing a doc bout it....
yeah if it has been this way for six days and your not improving, its actually getting worse it could be that watever is causing it could possibly be getting worse, so if it was say for example a torn muscle, over the six days and using ur arm you could be tearin it more...an example....you dont remember hurtin it at all?? playing soccer or lifting anything, banging it?? turnning your head suddenly etc?