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husbands are *******

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slugmonkey | 02:18 Mon 09th Jun 2008 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
how much poo do you put up with from husband before you say enough is enough??


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In a proper relationship, you shouldnt feel you have to put up with any major poo.

Every couple has its ups and downs but you shouldnt feel you are putting up with major grief all the time.

What has he done?
There's no weight limit. You have to decide for yourself whether you've had enough. All the advice columnists in the world can't help you - they can tell you what they think is outrageous behaviour but they'll disagree among themselves. First step is to tackle him - tell him you don't like whatever he's doing and ask him to stop. If he loves you he'll do his best to do so. If he doesn't, it's up to you to decide whether it's a deal-breaker. Judging from your title line, it sounds as if you have already done so. Husbands aren't ***** (whatever it may be). If yours is, then perhaps it's time he wasn't your husband.
What does he say about you?
Well I am husband and I am a star jno.
more than id put up with from a friend but less than id put up with from my children.

only you can decide whats too much for you to handle
Have you tried talking with a marriage councillor's are you worried they may find you at fault for some reason you won`t admit. Remember in all squabbles it takes two. Ask yourself if you may be at fault and not the person He married.
How much is too much ?
Its all relative .
Whta you consider to be poo might not be considered poo by others.
Can you elaborate on this or is it too personal ?
When the bad starts to out weigh the good then sometimes its time to go you seperate ways. If you still love each other then there is still something to work on, but there obviously needs to be some changes. If hes not willing to do that then i woudlnt hang around, theres nothing worse than looking back on a bad relationship and wondering why u wasted so much of ur life being unhappy. Although at the same time i wouldnt rush into any decisions, because at the end of the day its ur life and uv got to think about whats best for you. x

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husbands are *******

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