how important are those words if you are in a long-term,committed relationship?? And if the words are not said....does it affect your sense of security,...or do you just 'know' the other person loves you??
Reckon they are used too much, really. It's actions that count. After all, someone could say I love you a hundred times a day. But if they treat you like a doormat, are you going to feel loved just because they say the words?
I do think that if it's meant, they are important words, however.
Suppose it depends on the couple really.
Gosh, what a drawn out answer for that conclusion, eh?
its nice to say it and its nice to hear it,i buy my wife flowers every week and she loves it,romance isnt dead its nice to love and be loved....and to be told.....
I liked your answer elginred....not drawn out at all! I suppose that when I thought of this it was in terms saying the words with feeling...not as a knee-jerk reaction.
its my parents golden wedding anniversary next saturday,my dad is very,very ill but is determined to be at the party which he has secretly organised they have told each other every day that they love each other,im afraid that my dad wont be with us for much longer but at least he has had a lifetime of love from my mother,which is a lot more than can be said of a lot of people................
Hi hunny bunnies. Nothing wrong in saying I love you - if you mean it. It's nice to be told so now and again, but I'd personally wonder why, if it was said every five minutes or so! x