Question for either you or MiniN
I had breakthrough bleeding during packs one and two of the pill. I doubledosed as was away on holiday. Does anyone know that if I still haven't had a "period" - I am now on my break - that this breakthrough bleeding was indeed my period, and the reaosn I am not getting one now isn't because I am pregnant, could it just be because I had that bleed a couple of weeks ago while taking the second pack?
I did a test, but it was negative, I still feel I should have had some sort of bleed, and am now wondering whether I should do another test to be sure, as I have been to doc and she advised me to, or should I jsut assume that, althought I have had no period, this was actually due to the bleed I had a couple of weeks ago???
Don't know why you asked this MiniN, but it sounded so similar to my previous question I thought I'd piggyback - sorry for hijacking your post.......