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Sunday Evening Quiz

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Jugglering | 22:22 Sun 07th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Just to keep you guys in check:-

1. What is in your *spare drawer* in the kitchen ? (hint, I keep spare bits of foil, rubber bands and the odd battery in mine...hehe)

2. When did you last change your tea towels (I put mine in the wash this morning...)

3. Do you have a junk room ? (me - yep !!! hehe)

4. What's in your junk room ? (me - old paperwork, old college stuff, old notes, old bits of junk)

5. When was the last time you listened to that new cd you've just bought (me - this morning!)

6. Are you turning into your mum/dad ? (me - no way !!!!)

7. Do you like peanut butter ? (me, yep !)

8. Do you have any good recipes for using up that box of Kellogs cornflakes that I got given last week when I spent �30+ in Tesco's....

9. Nearly finished.. honest... lol... what is the answer to No 10 ?

10.. Are you sure ?



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In my spare drawer.... pegs, foil, a hammer, sellotape. very strange selection! I too put some tea towels in the wash today! I have 2 junk rooms (too much junk!!) And in the junk rooms - junk of course!!!!!! cd - dont buy any! turning into mum - i hope not, not at 27!! peanut butter, yuck!!!! cornflakes - with melted choc, lovely!! cornflake cakes!!! save me one!!!! xx
1. You mean the drawer my mum called the G0dDamit Drawer. As in G0ddam it, I know its in here. We have batteries, rubberbands, tape, twine, the usual.

2. once a week

3. yep

4. remnants of my niece and sister's occupancy of the room. It will be my sitting room if it ever gets emptied. May have to take matters in my own hands.

5. Not a big CD buyer

6. Turning....???? been mum for years now.

7. no way (Looks like poo, smells like poo)

8. crush em and coat chicken with the crumbs

9. :)

1.Bits of strings from when I attempt to mend stuff, rubber bands,corks, bubble wrap, fluff...

2. I wash mine with the rest of my stuff, so I always have clean ones in the cupboard anyway.

3. Do you have a junk room ? Nope, my flat is a giant junk room! lol

4.Me, my cat, and all my stuff....and hers!

5. earlier on (Muse)

6. Are you turning into your mum/dad ? Yep, sometimes it becomes But then my mum is a wonderful woman, so it's not too bad! :O)

7. Do you like peanut butter ? I didn't even know about it before I came over to the UK. And the answer is no!

8. Do you have any good recipes for using up that box of Kellogs cornflakes that I got given last week when I spent �30+ in Tesco's....: Yup, we used to call them "chocolate stars"....Just melt some chocolate, and pour over a bowl of cornflakes. Make little bite-sized balls, and put in the fridge to harden. Yummy!!!

9. Nearly finished.. honest... lol... what is the answer to No 10 ? I don't know yet!

10.. Are you sure ? Never. That's the beauty of life.

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