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Pain in stomach.

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AniaSM | 20:48 Tue 16th Sep 2008 | Body & Soul
52 Answers
Can anyone shed any light on a medical problem I'm having please? I'm getting a sharp pain in my stomach about 3 inches to the left of my belly button. Its not too bad but I'm worried about it getting worse. In trouble again! Any ideas?


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No - I'm sure Ania'd rather have a laugh than being miserable, but at the end of the day, I'm sure she won't have much to be concerned about. just that you have to consider all the possibilities.
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Oh - you b*gger!!!!! : )
How do Ron.

Yes, Ania could be with child ...... or it could be (chappie is now saying this in a hushed voice, 'cos us ladies are a bit embarrassed about this sort of thing ....... ) peeeeeeriod pains.
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I think he can be hilarious - but hope that Ania sees things in the same way!
Aye, Captn, that's a bl00dy good idea.
Nothig to be embarrassed about chappie - it could be for either of those reasons as well, although I think she'd know if it had anything to do with that.
It depends on how old she is though Ice. I am going through (chappie lowers her voice again, 'cos she's a wee bit embarrassed - you boys cover yer ears ) "the change" and my periods, when they show up, have become much more painful than they ever have been. I wondered what the heck was happening when I started to get severe pains in my stomach.

I suspect that Ania is too young for the change. Ya never know though - hope she will come back and tell us! Mind you, we might have scared her off AB forever!
Awww....well she's probably been in bed for a while now - but when she checks her inbox, she's going to find these answers!!

Chappie - in the nicest way possible - you make me roll with some of the ways you express things!! x
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Thanks for the ideas and the possible answers. Im 31 btw. I feel a little lifted by your suggestions and think Ill see the doctor. Now If only I could get back to sleep. Kisses.
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OhNo NoKnow. Did you see the answer I left on the Craig Meehan question?
R u still suffering, you poor thing. If its wind (easy to work out by tapping yourself on your spine-base) and rolling your head from left to right......then get to the loo quick!

If its lower right, could be grumbling appendix - take a pain killer. Have you been doing anything strenuous?
Maybe you could just do a big fart
noknow's answers are in fact the only sensible ones here. I know it's tempting to ask other people to try to diagnose illnesses when you're worried; I did it once; but the first and only port of call must be trained medics. 08454647 is the number to ring. They will listen, advise and even get you an out of hours appointment to see a doctor, if necessary. Do it now; they're there 24/7 Good luck
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Tups, think Ania acknowledged that she was gonna do the sensible thing and speak to her GP, early on in the thread.

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