hey pplz, just wondering about something?
Im 5 ' 8 � or 173.5 cm at 16 nearly 17 and im male.
What are the chances of me reaching 5' 9 -6 foot? any posts would be appreciated?
Seems pretty likely. I think most boys keep growing for a little longer. A better way to gauge would be to look at how tall the other men in your family are. Also, do you have a record of how tall you were at age 2? Supposedly for boys, they end up double their 2-year-old height.
My son was about 5'9' at your age. He is now 21 and 6'1". His shoes that fitted last summer are now too small, so he has grown since he was 20! As zgma says boys usually keep growing for longer than girls. At 15 my son was only 5'3" and the shortest of all of his group - now he's almost the tallest!
The average height of a 16-year-old boy is 98.3% of eventual adult height; the average height of a 17-year-old is 99.2%. So the average answer is that you have probably got another inch to grow, but it could be 2 or 3 inches. In any case, 5 feet 8 1/2 inches is not anything to worry about.
im a 17year old male and 5' 7 flatfoot around 5' 8 in shoes and man i can realate all the girls in my classes are as tall or taller than me well man all i have to say is i would kill to be like 5'9 that's like average height so you shouldn't feel short