Sounds like it could be nerve tension, common after back problems because when it's really painful you don't want to stretch everything. All your soft tissues get tight and stop the nerve from moving freely, and when it's put under stretch it tingles.
To stretch everything out, try this: lie on your back, bend your right knee up to your chest. Hold your knee in that position with your hands. Keeping your knee on your chest, (or as close to it as it gets!) straighten out your lower leg until you feel that unpleasant tingle, hold it there for the count of 5, bend it slightly again so the tingle goes away. Do it again - stretch on, count 5, stretch off.
If this is going to help, the tingle will be stretch-related - ie feels fairly horrible when the stretch is on, but disappears within a few seconds of taking the stretch off. If it brings on the tingle and it doesn't go away then it's the wrong thing to do - go and see a physio for further advice. It takes a few weeks to have an effect.
If you drive, you may want to bring the seat forward an inch or so and recline the back a tad - some people get stretch symptoms when they stretch out for the pedals.