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I know his secret!!!

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puddicat | 01:13 Thu 05th Feb 2009 | Body & Soul
101 Answers
My son and his girlfriend had a abortion!!!


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colly shut up who are you!!!
I love how you tell the world that your son and his gf has had an abortion. Secrets obviously don't exist in your family then!
sorry puddi.. but they're not behaving very responsibly, in my opinion.
So Puddicat, will you tell your son you know and discuss it with him? How did you find out?
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hi china i have bitten my tongue,you know!!
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velvet my son doesnt know i know,he is so bloody bolshy!!
As much as you might feel hurt, or that they somehow "hid" it from you...they are adults, and none of it is any of your business.

Please don't now go to them and bring the issue back up, because 1. you won't be welcome, 2. they must have had a hard time of it and 3. they don't need anybody to tell them it was wrong, especially after the fact.
Keep it to yourself, it's their lives.
It's up to the woman what she does with her body, but it takes two to make a baby in the normal way of things. It's sad for you, no doubt, but your sons are old enough to not let pregnancy happen in the first place - that's assuming that they didn't want it to happen, being as though they opted for such a drastic thing.
If you can talk to your son, I think it'll help you all.
How old are your son and his girlfriend?
Know what you mean Pudd. Its hard but we cant make them tell us. We would have offered to help if they'd told us but they told us after they did'nt want a baby. I went nuts and told her to go on the pill or my son to use a johnny. He was 30 at the time!
Hey, instead of posting your topic on AnswerBank, you should have gone on the Jeremy Kyle show. He would have sorted things out for you.
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28 but he is with a new girfriend only found out recently that the ex had had a beautiful baby boy she was a lady!!
So you have a granchild Puddicat. Do you get to see the child of your son's ex?
Puddicat, let it go. For both your sakes. If you meddle in your son's life, he'll resent you for it. It's HIS life, let him go.
johnny dont be so crass!!
Johnny be good
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no velvet the lovely girlfriend who sadly aborted my grandchild has met someone who loves her and has a new baby!!!
Hi Elvis! :O)
Oh I see. Sorry to hear this. I'm sure you would have made a lovely Grandma.

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I know his secret!!!

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