After being presented with evidence that her husband was playing away, my friend cleared off to her daughter's for a few days to think things through. She returned at the weekend and they sat down to thrash the matter out. He begged forgiveness, swore it had only happened a couple of times etc etc so she decided to forgive him. Last night he went out to the chippie to buy their outing that should have taken him 10 minutes max. He returned FIVE HOURS later, without the chips and swore blind that he'd got caught up in a drugs raid in the chippie!!! She noticed that he'd come home with his sweatshirt on inside out. She promptly packed his bags and threw him out. What a weasel that man is.
"drug raid in a fish shop" that was the best he could come up with, she's def better off without him, although i guess this is going to be a tough time for her, all the best mrs o x
Somehow, this story does not add up. The family waited 5hours for their fish and chips, without searching for him or phoning the police or the hospital....5hrs!!!!
If he was having a "bit on the side"....5hours worth?? I would be bored with the "mistress" once I had "finished"....which unfortunately is pretty quick LOL
And dot my love, MEN have no loyalty or conscience etc, just surf www. illicitencounters .com and reassess you view of married women.
omg what a rat!! i can't believe he even insulted her with that excuse, as if she'd believe it!! good on her anyway for booting him out, it's so difficult to put your foot down when you love someone, regardless of what they've done. the difficult bit for her now is getting him out of her system, but i'm sure you'll look after her mrs_o