This is what happens once your wife is insane enough to say she would be a good wife and have your mother in a granny flat, and you are insane enough to try to convince the devil-hag who hates her and by now, if not from everlasting to everlasting, you, what a good wife she is by repeating that, and your lawyer lets you do it.
And AFTER he has given you every encouragement to build the granny flat, and your shocked family have said, "Dad, what were you thinking of? It was like inviting an axe murderer into the house" and you have been disinherited and your portion willed to your wastrel brother, the said lawyer says "Oh that always happens!"
And when the said devil-hag has made the air hideous with never-ending hate broadcasts and phone messages (after her OWN GP and yours have told you to leave the answerphone on) and stuck white feathers in your letterbox and filled it with incendiary hate mail, including in its relatively anodyne moments obscene incestuous outpourings like "You have been the love of my life, and if you don't come to your senses (!! =back into my clutches) I will ruin you even if I have to ruin myself to do it", prompting your brother�s Latin wife to say "You can't catch flies with vinegar!" the threat to take you to the cleaners comes into play, and your darling mother tries to take you to Court.
And after all the lawyers in the town have passed the parcel, and threats have been issued to bring old school friends who are now Law Lords into play, we are now into loony letters to MPs and peers, which actually get replies?!?! And comments like "She writes a good letter!"