sorry to be rude but in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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sorry to be rude but

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trimmed-bush | 22:32 Wed 18th Mar 2009 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
this phillipino chick I am banging has a really dry vagina when we have sex. I tried all sorts to make her horny but she still doesnt get wet. to add to it she is very small as well. its actually the tightest vagina I have ever had.
can anyone recomend any lubricants that are long lasting and you dont need to keep re applying as I go for at least 15-20 minutes.


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oh your not bein rude..... but your definately tryin to be some thin else
Have some plastic surgery, that way you might be attractive enough to arouse her.
This is getting boring now....
Question Author
i am very attrsactive and can pull girls when ever i want. she does get horny anyway
You go for only 15-20 minutes, shame on you?

What are you, man or mouse?
where does her horns sprout from? .....
This is getting boring now....
This is getting boring now....
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im a man.

I even tried icking her vagina and sticking my finger up her arse at the same time but evgen this didnt make her wet!
Bucket of Lard !!!!!!!!!!!
Watch it - you have been reported twice tonight. The Editor is not going to be pleased. Take your filthy mind elsewhere and not on this site.

A dry vagina is no good. Your obviously not stimulating her. Check Fiver at 11pm, a program on sex: how to do everything. You might get some tips!
Question Author
filthy mind??? wtf are you a nun or something?
In your dreams trimmed-bush,go to bye bye now.

youre a sicko son

go and get some help you ******* perv

wrong site
Question Author
ya ya ya all the usual boring narrow minded replies
you talk nonsense no-brain

hope you know that everyone has access to this site

the moderators need a kick too

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sorry to be rude but

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