St John's Wort in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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St John's Wort

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abrakazabra | 09:19 Tue 26th Oct 2004 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
Is there any limit to how long you can take St John's Wort safely?
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Itook st johns wort for six months last winter and because i wasnt on any other medication my doctor said that was fine.But if you are on any medication ask your doc or pharmasist before taking them,If it is ok for you to take them then im sure they,l work for you,they got me through last winter and there not addictive so you can stop taking them as soon as you feel better.
st johns wort is safe as long as you are not taking it with medicines you have had off the doctor as it can stop medicines working and people with severe depression should also not take it,st johns wort can also interfere with oral contraception, if you have no side effects and you are not taking medicine then it obviously suits you ,  mullein 

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