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Red bumps on my face...

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SuDFB | 11:08 Fri 08th May 2009 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
Every so often I get these red bumps (look like bites) on my face, its red around the bump and very itchy at times. It varies from one or two here and there to almost one whole side of my face. The bumps normally stay for a fews minutes or sometimes hours then they goes away. Does anyone know what this could be? Im getting fed up of them...


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Urticaria?...........Google it and see if it fits.
Question Author
OMG... that is it, although I don't look half as bad as the pictures on google thank God...

Thank you so much Sqad :)

However it says many thing can cause it and not much you can do about it... That bit s*cks...
try taking Clarytin (liquid or tablets). My son suffered from urticaria all over his body for a while and although we never knew what caused it Clarityn worked wonders.
or any antihistamines that have same ingredients as claryn. alot cheaper
Question Author
Thanks :)

I will give it a shot...
A cause may be from eating too much chocolate. I proved this!
Mine was caused by baths !! Just plain water would do it. Stopped now I am pleased to say.
sounds like hives.....allergic reaction - soon goes. Could be soap, materials, foods. Often due to your body yourself down.
mabye your cat/dog whatever has fleas
Question Author
They are not bites and I don't have any pets... They are small red bumps and the surrounding area is also red and they are itchy... I don't know what causes it and I can't seem to get rid of them... they come and go but it's at its worse at the moment and I only seem to get them on face... :(

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Red bumps on my face...

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