Why on earth do 'shy' people choose to come on TV and show their 'embarrassing' medical problems in front of thousands, when they are too shy to go to their own GP in private - I just don't get it - do they get paid for coming on the television ? For examle one woman who won't display her over size breasts to her other half so she undresses in the dark, only to show all unsundry her pendulous breasts on TV !!!!
i dont think you get paid for going on the programme but you do get your treatment paid for and you dont go on a waiting list as you would if you went with the NHS.
The women that get their butts out want to be Anal pornstars basically and are hoping by appearing on the show they might be noticed by see more butts and Co and offered a career in the porn industry!
What about the woman with the hairy backside yesterday, that was just horrendous. I have PCOS, but thank goodness I'm not sporting a hairy ar*e like hers.
I was amazed at the woman with the hairy bum. bless her - it must be awful to have to put up with that, and she was very brave to bare it on tv - but why?